ESPRIT IV Jet Fuel Vitamin Drips - MINI AND MAXI

Jet Fuel, aptly named after its vibrant, luminous yellow colour, has been used for many years as an intravenous Vitamin Drip with various health benefits.

Jet Fuel contains a cocktail of all the B Vitamins, Magnesium and moderate to high doses of Vitamin C, suspended in a small 200ml normal saline sachet. The dose of Vitamin C will either be a bit lower (the MINI) or a bit higher (the MAXI), depending on what your treating Doctor believes is safe an appropriate for you at this time.

The drip is generally well tolerated, and very popular due to its pleasing effects. It takes approximately 30 minutes to infuse.

Health Benefits of Jet Fuel, linked to its ingredients can include:

  • Boosting of the immune system
  • Skin vitality booster
  • Detoxification
  • Energising
  • Metabolic support

B Vitamins play a vital role in:
Maintaining good health and are the building blocks of a healthy body.
They directly impact energy levels, brain function and overall cellular metabolism.
They support the immune system and help the immune system fight infections, and also promote growth of red blood cells.

B Vitamin deficiency is linked to symptoms of fatigue, brain fog, loss of appetite and muscle weakness.
B Vitamins are water soluble and your body does not store them for long amounts of time. They are essential vitamins to be obtained from many dietary sources. In our modern busy lifestyles where our diets are deficient, stress levels are high and our guts are not very good at absorbing nutrients, many of us suffer from borderline Vitamin B deficiency.

Likewise, Vitamin C is also a water-soluble vitamin with many food sources.
It is essential in:

  • The production of collagen
  • In iron absorption
  • Function of the immune system
  • Effective brain function
  • As well as a potent antioxidant.

Magnesium is an important mineral for your body, and is the 4th most abundant mineral in your body, and every cell contains it (although 60% of it is in your bones). Its main role is as a “helper” or co-factor in many enzyme reactions in your body – actually about 600 reactions that we know of!

  • Energy – helps convert food into energy
  • Nervous system – helps function of neurotransmitters
  • Genes – creation and repair of DNA
  • Proteins – creation of proteins from amino acids
  • Muscles – contraction and relaxation of muscles

During exercise, you need 20% more magnesium than compared to baseline. It may help boost exercise performance by various mechanisms which include taking glucose into cells, and moving lactate out.
Magnesium has been linked to improvements in mood and energy, but more research is needed to understand fully its roles here. Some studies also show an improvement in patients suffering from migraines who supplement with magnesium.
Low magnesium is linked to chronic inflammation which drives many modern day illnesses.

The Jet Fuel drip combines all these essential ingredients in an IV cocktail that acts as an immediate boost on many levels. For those feeling run down, if you get ill often, if you are an athlete and need extra boosting, Jet Fuel may be a good supplement for you to consider. It can be infused once weekly, every 2 weeks, or even only once per month.